A picture I took near my new home in the town that gave me so much inspiration to do big things with my life (Lyons, CO). |
I have always been a goal setter and a goal failure. This year I am really determined to succeed. I am going to break down my big goals into smaller goals. Hopefully this will help me to not fail.
- Get down to 151lbs
- Write a minimum of 4 non-photo blog posts
- Read Proverbs
- Read 30 chapters from Psalms
- Get my photo blog up and running
- Do research on portfolio's
- Write up a generic cover letter
- Make a list of companies to apply to
- Get my run's up to an hour
- Go on a 10 mile bike ride
- Go on 4 hikes and make sure one of them is with Jason
30 By 30
- Buy my camera and necessary accessories
- Sell my car
- Read Pride and Prejudice
- Continue to challenge myself to be better skier
- Determine what company I want to volunteer for
- Find a race that I want to volunteer for and apply
How are you going to accomplish your goals for 2012?